Preacher: Larry Ryan
Scripture: Luke 10: 25-37, Matthew 25: 31-46, and John 13: 34-35 Synopsis: "I have prepared a 45-minute PowerPoint presentation for an adult Bible study at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Newark, DE, as part of my role in the creation care ministry team for the Delaware-Maryland Synod ELCA; the presentation, based on "Blessed Tomorrow," includes a customized slide deck and encourages questions at the end."
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Preacher: Cliff Bahlinger Date Preached: April 23, 2023 Scripture: Genesis 1 Synopsis: The sermon incorporates survey results, revealing a significant gap between the 92% of Christians valuing creation care and the mere 8% actively involved in combating global warming. Preacher: D. Mark Davis Date Preached: April 22/23, 2023 Scripture: Psalm 104; Psalm 8 Synopsis: In the fast-paced "twitterverse," we often prioritize instant gratification and self-interest, yet the Psalms 104 and 8 advocate for a contrasting way of existence through the mindful acts of "Beholding" and "Harkening," allowing us to fully engage with the present, appreciate marvels, and break from the constraints of time. Preacher: Enno Limvere Date Preached: April 23, 2023 Scripture: Luke 24:13-35 Synopsis: Similar to the disciples on the road to Emmaus who recognized Jesus through the breaking of bread, we, too, must open our eyes, embrace nature's beauty, and acknowledge our intrinsic link with creation as a way to restore our lost connection with Jesus. Preacher: Kristopher Hewitt
Date Preached: June 11, 2023 Scripture: Psalm 33: 1-12 Synopsis: Psalm 33 reveals the Earth's abundance of God's love, yet the reality of wildfires reminds us of our responsibility to love and care for creation, introducing the concept of "kinship" and "the Honorable Harvest" by Robin Wall Kimmerer as a means to embody our faith. Preacher: Katie Grosh Date Preached: June 4th 2023 (Trinity Sunday) Scripture: Genesis 1:1-2:4a, Matthew 28:16-20 Synopsis: Contrary to our White, Western culture's emphasis on "independence," the Trinity's example of interdependence and mutual indwelling challenges hierarchical dominion, fostering a reevaluation of our relationships with both people and the Earth, encouraging a more interconnected and diverse approach. Preacher: Anonymous
Date preached: July 2, 2023 Scripture: Revelation 21:1-5, James 2:14-16 Synopsis: Amidst present-day harsh realities, it's time for Christians to embrace their "response ability" towards the Earth, as the climate crisis, depicted as an apocalypse in Revelations, demands our immediate attention; driven by faith and the urgency to save the world, we are called to envision and construct a renewed and improved future. Preacher: Beth Simmons Date Preached: June 11, 2023 Scripture: Genesis 1:1-31; Job 12:7-10 Synopsis: Recognizing the present climate reality and its global impacts, individuals of faith have opportunities, ranging from modest to significant, to engage in meaningful actions. Preacher: Anna Blinn Cole
Date Preached: April 16, 2023 Scripture: Genesis 1:26-31; Psalm 8; John 20:19-31 Synopsis: Linking Easter and spring symbolism, the sermon introduces doubt and self-examination about our responsibility as stewards of creation, initiating a sermon series on climate change stewardship by emphasizing the need to view it as a spiritual challenge rather than just a scientific issue. Preacher: Alison J. B. Patton
Date Preached: April 23, 2023 Scripture: Isaiah 58:1-12 Synopsis: Exploring lessons from nature, the sermon emphasizes emulating its lack of waste and highlights the need to attend to the entire community and share resources, drawing a parallel to the Israelites' challenge; the call for prophets to remind of interdependence and potential for sustainable living, akin to a flourishing water garden, is put forth. |
October 2024