What is the REDUCE Act?Single-use plastic waste is a problem that has plagued the United States for decades. In a society that values convenience over sustainability, most Americans don’t have easy access to sustainable everyday items. Because of our high disposable plastic consumption, microplastics are being found in Antarctica, water sources are being harmed, and human health is being jeopardized.
The REDUCE Act reintroduces legislation that was originally introduced in 2021. The goal of this act is to reduce single-use plastics and move towards more sustainable everyday items. REDUCE stands for Rewarding Efforts to Decrease Unrecycled Contaminants in Ecosystems. This act will hold the companies accountable that produce single-use plastic to require these companies to produce more environmentally-friendly products, The REDUCE Act would heavily tax virgin plastic resin, which is used to create single-use plastic. By making single-use plastics more expensive, companies are incentivized to turn to sustainable manufacturing methods that would have previously been much more expensive. |
Other Resources
This resource is designed to help congregations think more deeply about the ways that plastics impact our lives and God's creation. It is also intended to equip people of faith to take actions to address this epidemic in faithful and practical ways.
Download this resource to find stories of individuals and communities making a positive impact, sermon starters to spark meaningful discussions in your church, worship resources to unite in prayer and reflection, and actionable steps to address the plastic crisis in your life, community and, our world. |