Here's What You Can Do: Get Involved! Make the Difference!
As Christ followers, we are called to respond when we witness injustices. As we learn about the links between chemical exposures, chronic disease, and developmental delays in society, we as people of faith cannot remain silent. We must lift up our voices and work to ensure that chemicals are safe before they end up in the products we use, the air we breathe, soil we till, water we drink, and into our own bodies.
We are called to stand up for the most vulnerable among us. Children, women of child bearing age, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems, low-income communities and communities of color, and chemical workers are most vulnerable. . We need Congress to step up and ensure that all chemicals are safe for God's Creation, including the human community.
Links and Resources
As Christ followers, we are called to respond when we witness injustices. As we learn about the links between chemical exposures, chronic disease, and developmental delays in society, we as people of faith cannot remain silent. We must lift up our voices and work to ensure that chemicals are safe before they end up in the products we use, the air we breathe, soil we till, water we drink, and into our own bodies.
We are called to stand up for the most vulnerable among us. Children, women of child bearing age, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems, low-income communities and communities of color, and chemical workers are most vulnerable. . We need Congress to step up and ensure that all chemicals are safe for God's Creation, including the human community.
Links and Resources
- Host your own Made in the Image of God Healthy Spa gathering. Download a tool kit with DIY recipes and instructions for hosting a gathering. This also contains samples of letter to the editor and to Congress you can use in your congregation
- Implement some ideas for less toxic living.
- Hold a bible study session on environmental health and racism with your church group. Download the NCC resource: Environmental Racism: An Ecumenical Study Guide.
- Download Mindful Living: Human Health, Pollution, and Toxics (plus a reference document). This education, action and worship resource is full of ideas to lead a bible study, organize a worship service, or lead youth group activities on environmental health.
- View and sign the Interfaith Statement for Chemical Policy Reform or the Christian Principles for a Healthy Body and Spirit. Take them with you on a visit to talk with your congressperson.
- Share this website with friends and family
- Women of faith call on cosmetics to reform the 1938 Cosmetics law. See the press release.
- Radon is a known cause of lung cancer. When uranium breaks down, it produces the radon gas. It gets into our homes through cracks in the foundation or in walls. It is important to test for radon on the first floor of your home or church building. Test your home or church building for radon. To learn more and how to test your home, click here.
- Mercury poisoning is linked to slower mental development in children. Women should limit seafood and fish consumption and avoid sushi while pregnant and breastfeeding. Download a seafood watch card for your region.
- Want to avoid chemicals in your childrens toys? Try using the Healthy Toy Database to pick your next toy.
- View and sign the Interfaith Statement for Chemical Policy Reform or the Christian Principles for a Healthy Body and Spirit. Take them with you on a visit to talk with your congressperson.