Get Involved: Seeking Climate Justice for All
Learn More
- Faith Principles on Climate Change: Learn the principles many faith communities endorse to protect God's planet and people in any national climate change legislation.
- Organize a Climate Justice Simulation Experience using United Methodist Women's toolkit.
- One major area of concern for faith communities is that we live in right relationship among nations. The countries most responsible for putting greenhouse gasses in the air need to take responsibility for the climate change-related burdens being borne by developing nations. That is why we support provisions for Loss and Damage in the COP 21 agreement.
- Encourage members of your congregation to share their concern about the effects of climate change on God's people and God's Creation with their elected officials. Email us for information on how to plan a Sign-on-letter drive at your church.
- Join Blessed Tomorrow to get leadership development resources and research that can help you build support in your faith community for climate solutions.
- Want to make your House of Worship more energy efficient and lower your congregation's contribution to climate change? Follow steps in the Energy Stewardship Guide for Congregations.
- Take the Energy Star Change a Light Pledge. If you replace a 75 watt incandescent light bulb with a 20 watt compact fluorescent light bulb, over its 10,000 hour lifespan you'll save $49 and the price of buying 13 incandescent light bulbs.