What is Cashes Ledge?
The Gulf of Maine is one of the most productive ecosystems in the world. At the same time, its waters are warming faster than 97% of the global ocean. At its heart lies an extraordinary undersea mountain range and one of the most unique ecological structures in U.S. ocean waters. This 32-mile underwater mountain range harbors a treasures trove of marine life living among its peaks and valleys – Cashes Ledge, Parker Ridge, Sigsbee Ridge, and Cashes and Ammen Basins (“Cashes Ledge Area”). Cashes Ledge contains all of the seafloor types typical of the offshore Gulf of Maine, each supporting its own mix of species. This relatively small expanse of ocean supports a remarkable and rich diversity of habitats and marine life. On the top and flanks of Ammen Rock, the area’s highest peak, lies the densest cold-water kelp forest on the eastern seaboard. The diverse habitats of Cashes Ledge, ranging from lush kelp to rocky outcroppings to deep muddy basins, provide refuge for an astounding diversity of marine life, from the Atlantic wolffish to the rare blue sponge to the unusual red cod.
Brian Skerry's National Geographic cover
For over a decade, a locally led coalition has sought to secure the protection of Cashes Ledge. Designating the Cashes Ledge Area as a sanctuary would help preserve and protect its extraordinary and often vulnerable wildlife and habitats. Permanently protecting the area would also provide unparalleled scientific research and education opportunities and build climate resilience in a region that is among the fastest-warming in the world’s ocean.
Resources and More Information
CLF has worked hard to compile Cashes Ledge resources including YouTube videos, action items and instructions, factsheets, photos, and more.
Watch CLF's video for a brief overview of Cashes Ledge (2022)
Underwater video of Cashes Ledge from 1989
Dive into New England's Ocean with Brian Skerry
Take Action for Cashes Ledge!
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Write your own Letter of Support Writing your own letter is a great way to show support. You can write one and submit it to CLF via [email protected] by July 19. Conservation Law Foundation will be collecting letters of support NOW until Friday, July 19, 2024 at 8PM EST / 5PM PST. Letter templates with suggested language to make your own, personalize, and modify to reflect the importance of this action to you and your organization. |
CLF FactsheetCLF wrote this helpful factsheet about Cashes Ledge explaining what it is, what a Marine Sanctuary is, and why this sacred part of God's creation needs protected.